Previous Issues
If you would like to receive a printed copy of one of the issues below, please contact your local union, or email your request to Be sure to include your full name and complete mailing address, plus your local union and membership #. Certain issues may not be available. You must be a member in good standing in order to receive the magazine. If are not a member and would like to subscribe to the Journeyman Roofer ($16 per year), please contact
First Quarter 2024
Second Quarter 2024
Features: America’s Top Roofing Apprentices Compete in St. Louis; 2023 Tradeswomen Build Nations Conference Held in DC; Apprenticeship Standards Receive Overhaul; Protect Yourself When Working in Heat; Opioids and Naloxone in Construction
Third Quarter 2024
Features: Harris-Walz Ticket for America’s Workers; GAF Roofing Academy Hits Multiple Locals; 2024 National Instructor Training Program Recap; Union Tradeswomen Take Over Springfield; International Union Receives Conservation Award
Fourth Quarter 2024
Features: Tradeswomen Build Nations Conference Celebrated in New Orleans; Journeyman Roofer & Waterproofer Wins National Media Awards; Roofers Union Inducted into D.O.L Century of Service; Unlawful Harassment in Apprenticeship and the Workplace
First Quarter 2023
Second Quarter 2023
Third Quarter 2023
Fourth Quarter 2023
First Quarter 2022
Second Quarter 2022
Third Quarter 2022
Fourth Quarter 2022
First Quarter 2021
Second Quarter 2021
Third Quarter 2021
Fourth Quarter 2021
First Quarter 2020
Second Quarter 2020
Third Quarter 2020
Fourth Quarter 2020
First Quarter 2019
Second Quarter 2019
Third Quarter 2019
Fourth Quarter 2019
First Quarter 2018
Second Quarter 2018
Third Quarter 2018
Fourth Quarter 2018
First Quarter 2017
Second Quarter 2017
Third Quarter 2017
Fourth Quarter 2017
First Quarter 2016
Second Quarter 2016
Third Quarter 2016
Fourth Quarter 2016
First Quarter 2015
Second Quarter 2015
Third Quarter 2015
Fourth Quarter 2015
First Quarter 2014
Second Quarter 2014
Third Quarter 2014
Fourth Quarter 2014

First Quarter 2013
Cover Story: The 28th International Convention To Be Held in Las Vegas
The next quinquennial International Convention will be held October 14 – 18, 2013, at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, located in the heart of the Las Vegas Strip.
President’s Page: The International Convention: Your Opportunity to Participate in a Unique Democratic Process
Roofers in the News: San Antonio Hosts 2013 Int’l Roofing Expo; MRCA Conference in Dallas
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: The National Maintenance Agreement: Securing Work for Members Since 1982
- Research & Education: Foreman Training Continues to Be Successful
- Marketing Issues: Starting a Campaign: A Step-by-Step Guide to Kicking Off Your Next Organizing Campaign
National Benefit Funds
Local Union News
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Second Quarter 2013
Cover Story: AFL-CIO Building Investment Trust: Your Pension Money Creating Jobs for YOU Members of Roofers Local 40 and Local 95 are among the 350 union construction workers building 888 San Mateo Apartments, a Building Investment Trust development in San Mateo, CA.
President’s Page: The AFL-CIO Building Investment Trust: Creating Jobs Through Pension Funds
Roofers in the News: NERCA Convenes in Boston; Marketing Rep’s Op-Ed Published
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Are You Reactive or Proactive?
- Research & Education: Foreman Training Part II; Revised Hazard Communication Standard
- Marketing Issues: Timing Is Everything
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Third Quarter 2013
Cover Story: Roofing Notre Dame: The University of Notre Dame’s construction and maintenance is performed under a contract with local building trades unions, which means good jobs for members of Roofers Local 23 in South Bend, IN.
President’s Page: Our Training Is What Makes Us Excellent
Roofers in the News: Western Roofing Expo Hits Reno; Scholarships in the Roofing Community
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: What the Convention Means for Our Organization
- Research & Education: Web-Based “Trainers’ Exchange” Approved for Rollout
- Marketing Issues: What Is Your “Game Plan”?
National Benefit Funds
- Notice Regarding New Pension Administrator
- Notice Regarding Work in Disqualified Employment
- Notice Regarding Retirement and Suspension of Benefits
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Fourth Quarter 2013
President’s Page: Good News for the New Year
Roofers in the News: Roofer Nabs Bank Robber; Our Greatest Generation; Rich Mathis Retires; MRCA in Chicago; Star Roofing Awarded
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Helmets to Hardhats: Are You Registered?
- Research & Education: OSHA Releases Proposed Silica Standard
- Marketing Issues: Social Media: Make It Part of Your Marketing Plan
National Benefit Funds
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

First Quarter 2012
Cover Story: Air Barrier Experts
As air barrier systems grow in popularity, Local 81, Oakland, CA, Roofers and Waterproofers show that they have the skills and know-how for installing these systems, as seen at two California college campuses.
President’s Page: National Roofing Industry Pension Plan
The Pension Dimension: Retirees Discuss Pensions and Roofing Careers with President Kinsey Robinson
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Helmets to Hardhats and National Maintenance Agreement Updates
- Research & Education: National Training Committee Formed; Training Updates
- Marketing Issues: How Flexible Are Your Plans?
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Second Quarter 2012
Cover Story: 2nd Annual Roofers Intl Twin Cities Sporting Clays Shoot
Wild Marsh Sporting Clays in Clear Lake, MN, gears up for the 2nd Annual Roofers International Twin Cities Sporting Clays Shoot, to take place September 15.
President’s Page: Outdoorsmen Converge on Clear Lake
Roofers in the News: 2012 International Roofing Expo Hits Orlando; NERCA Showcases “New Beginnings” in Connecticut
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Never Give Up What Is Jurisdictionally Ours
- Research & Education: Safety Pays, Falls Cost
- Marketing Issues: Don’t Get Defeated by Anti-union Rhetoric
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Third Quarter 2012
Cover Story: Int’l Executive Board Endorses President Barack Obama
The Roofers International Executive Board, along with America’s Building Trades Unions, has endorsed President Barack Obama as the candidate who will support America’s working families in the 2012 election.
President’s Page: Make Your Vote Count on Nov. 6
Roofers in the News: Roofing Professionals Converge in Las Vegas; Roofers Helping Neighbors in Warwood
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: November 6, 2012: What Is at Stake?
- Research & Education: 18th Annual Apprentice Competition
- Marketing Issues: Don’t Overlook Your Allies
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Fourth Quarter 2012
Cover Story: NEW Green Roofing & Waterproofing Manual Available
The Roofers and Waterproofers Research and Education Joint Trust Fund rolls out a new Green Roofing and Waterproofing Manual for use by all Local Union JATCs.
President’s Page: The Elections Are Over…Now What?
Roofers in the News: John A. Dalsin & Son, Inc. Named Commercial Roofing Contractor of the Year
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Election Results: How Much Do They Matter?
- Research & Education: Instructors and Training Directors Complete Fall Protection Competent Person Program
- Marketing Issues: Value-Added Benefits of Training
National Benefit Funds
Local Union News
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

First Quarter 2011
Cover Story: KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY
Union Roofers & Waterproofers from Locals 147, 188 and 86 tackle the challenging design components of the country’s newest—and fifth largest—college basketball arena.
President’s Page: NRIPF Website Improves Access to Your Pension Information
Roofers in the News: Local 229 Roofers & Waterproofers Have Skills to Re-roof MetraPark After Tornado
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Is Your Recovery Plan in Place?
- Research & Education: New OSHA Guidelines; New Foreman Training Module Rolled Out
- Marketing Issues: Relationship Woes
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Second Quarter 2011
Cover Story: UNITED We Can Protect Our RIGHTS
From attacks on public employees, to right-to-work and anti-prevailing wage legislation being pushed across the country, rights that unions have worked for decades to gain are being threatened every day.
President’s Page: USA Offers No-Cost Membership to Union Roofers
Roofers in the News: NERCA Convention in Atlantic City; International Roofing Expo in Las Vegas
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: The Assault on Labor Reaches New Heights
- Research & Education: Local 195 Foreman Training; Local 188 Apprenticeship Facility; Fall Arrest System Workshop
- Marketing Issues: Measuring Market Share
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Third Quarter 2011
Cover Story: A Rewarding Retirement: Let the NRIPF secure your future
The National Roofing Industry Pension Fund (NRIPF) was created to help Roofers and their families prepare for financial security during their retirement years. Today the plan provides benefits to over 5,600 retirees and beneficiaries.
President’s Page: Jobs…Jobs…Jobs
Roofers in the News: AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust Project; Western Roofing Expo in Reno
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Legislative Issues That Affect Our Work
- Research & Education: Local Unions Offer Specialized Training; Mid-States/Northeast Apprentice Competition
- Marketing Issues: Politics? Who Cares!?
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Fourth Quarter 2011
Cover Story: Historic Landmark Gets Thoroughly Modern Roof
Local 65 contractor Langer Roofing installs a 7,200-sq.-ft. green roof atop an addition to Frank Lloyd Wrights First Unitarian Meeting House in Madison, WI.
President’s Page: If Congress Won’t Create Change, We Will!
Roofers in the News: MRCA Conference in Rosemont, IL; Historic Agreement Reached with Insulators
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Project Labor Agreements and Community Workforce Agreements
- Research & Education: Train-the-Trainer Program Kicks Off in Portland, OR; Midwest Apprentice Competition
- Marketing Issues: Help Wanted!
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

First Quarter 2010
Cover Story: Colorado Springs Local 58 Roofs Vestas Towers
Local 58, Colorado Springs, CO, members apply a cool-roof system to Vestas Towers, the world’s largest wind-turbine tower manufacturing plant, located in Pueblo, CO.
President’s Page: The Journeyman Roofer & Waterproofer Gets a Makeover
Roofers in the News: Bishop’s Award Presented to Chicago Roofers, MRCA Trade Show, Bus. Mgr. Answers Call to Serve
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Green Initiatives Can Bring Back Jobs
- Research & Education: Radio Frequency Radiation: What’s the Risk to Roofers
- Marketing Issues: In a Down Economy, Prepare for the Turnaround
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Second Quarter 2010
Cover Story: Unions Taking Care of Our Veterans
International President Kinsey Robinson and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka meet with Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James T. Conway concerning Helmets to Hardhats and the Union Veterans Council.
President’s Page: Veterans and Unions Work Together to Defend and Build America
Roofers in the News: NERCA and NRCA Conferences Draw Crowds
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Ask Congress to Pass Bills That Create New Jobs NOW
- Research & Education: Foreman Training Moves Forward; Apprentice Competition in Portland
- Marketing Issues: When It Comes to Information, Keep Digging
Community Outreach
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Third Quarter 2010
Cover Story: Northeast Locals Go Solar
Roofers from Local 10 and Local 30 laid the foundation for 1,000-square photovoltaic roof system at GlaxoSmithKline in Collegeville, PA.
President’s Page: Exercise Your Right to Vote on Nov. 2
Roofers in the News: Local 162 Roofers Make the Grade at UNLV; Las Vegas Hosts Western Roofing Expo
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: As Unemployment Rises, So Do Jurisdictional Disputes
- Research & Education: Foreman Training Moves to the Northwest; RAPTOR Program Rolled Out
- Marketing Issues: Simple Rules for Effective Bannering
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Fourth Quarter 2010
Cover Story: Local 221 Installs Modern-Day Thatch Roof
Local 221, Honolulu, HI, roofers and Waterproofers employed by Beachside Roofing install a faux thatch roof at the new Disney resort on the coast of Oahu.
President’s Page: Preparing for the Future Demands of Our Industry
Roofers in the News: MRCA Draws Roofing Contractors to Indianapolis
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Legislative Update
- Research & Education: Training for Our Future
- Marketing Issues: Why Should You Get Involved?
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

First Quarter 2009
Special 27th Convention Issue
Two hundred fifty-three democratically elected delegates representing our local unions throughout the country converged in Las Vegas, NV, for a week-long convention the last week of October 2008. Inside: a full transcript of convention proceedings, photos and more. (This issue available only in hard copy.)
If you would like to receive a printed copy of the January – February – March 2009 magazine, please contact your Local Union or email your request to Be sure to include your full name and complete mailing address, plus your Local Union and Membership #. You must be a member in good standing in order to receive the magazine.

Cover Story: Roofers Foreman Training Program
Local 11, Chicago, IL, Foreman Kevin Coleman (pictured) oversees the progress of Journeyman Jim Fleischman as he flashes the box at The Mather, a senior living residence in Evanston, IL. The newly launched Roofers Foreman Training Program is designed to bring first-class training to current and future roofing foremen like Kevin.
President’s Page: Working Men and Women Have a New Sense of Unity
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: Introduction to Column
- Research & Education: Where Would You Come Out?
- Marketing Issues: Changes Today for a Better Tomorrow
National Benefit Funds
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Third Quarter 2009
Cover Story: AFL-CIO Building Investment Trust Invests in Union Jobs
Members of Local 54, Seattle, WA, working for Crow Roofing have a lucrative summertime job at Ballard Park in Seattle, thanks to investments made by the AFL-CIO Building Investment Trust (BIT). The BIT invests in urban development projects, using an all-union labor force for construction, operation and maintenance of all its buildings.
President’s Page: Your Pension Dollars at Work
Roofers in the News: Chet Raypholtz/Douglas Jones/Vice President Don O’Blenis/Local 96 President Ray Waldron/William Penrose
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: A New National Maintenance Agreement
- Research & Education: Update on Safety and Health Training Materials
- Marketing Issues: The Professional Roofer
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Cover Story: Major League Roofers
Members of Local 96 are proud to perform roofing and waterproofing on America’s newest Major League ballpark, Minnesota Twins’ Target Field in Minneapolis, MN.
President’s Page: Keeping Our Commitment to You, Now and in the Future
Departmental News
- The Washington Connection: The Truth About Project Labor Agreements
- Research & Education: Apprentice Competition Continues in Earnest at Chicagoland JATC
- Marketing Issues: Who Is Doing That Job?
National Benefit Funds
Community Outreach
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

First Quarter 2008
Cover Story: Helmets to Hardhats
Helmets to Hardhats is a national non-profit program that connects National Guard, Reserve, and transitioning active-duty military members with quality career training and employment opportunities within the member unions of the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO. The United Union of Roofers is proud to be a partner in this organization. Read about a member of Roofers Local 22 whose experience with Helmets to Hardhats landed him a career he loves.
President’s Page: Helmets to Hardhats: A Path From Military Service to Union Membership
Roofers in the News
- NMAPC Zero Injuries Safety Awards Dinner
- Chicago Roofers Promote Union Message
- Fryer Roofing feature
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: Communication and Partnership Building
- Safety & Health: Fall Awareness and Protection Campaign Continues
- Safety & Health Special: Fall Conferences Go to Portland
- Apprenticeship Corner: Foreman Training Program Is Poised to Begin
National Benefit Funds
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Second Quarter 2008
Cover Story: 27th International Convention
Every five years, the International Executive Board of the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied Workers invites hundreds of delegates from Local Unions around the country to convene in order to map the future of our Union. On October 27, 2008, the International Convention will once again be called to order.
President’s Page: The International Convention: Your Opportunity to Participate in a Special Democratic Process
Political Action
- The Building and Construction Trades Department Celebrates its 100th Anniversary
- California Reps Take It to the House
- International Officers Meet with Nation’s Leading Democrats
Roofers in the News
- Roofers International Hosts Reception During Legislative Conference
- Chicago: Going Greener Than Ever
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: Meeting the Challenge
- Apprenticeship Corner: Apprenticeship Competition in Local 11
- Safety & Health: Update on Safety and Health Training Materials
- Special to Safety & Health: Gravity Works in Any Language
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Third Quarter 2008
Cover Story: International Executive Board Endorses Barack Obama
After careful deliberation, the International Executive Board has voted to endorse Senator Barack Obama for President. See Cover Story for an in-depth look at the candidates’ stands on issues that affect America’s workers.
President’s Page: Make Your Vote Count on November 4th
Featured Stories
- Homes for Our Troops: Bipartisan Sponsors and Union Volunteers Build Homes for Disabled War Veterans
- Union Sportsmen’s Alliance Strengthens Ties with Producer of American Made Knives
Roofers in the News
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: Developing a Recruiting Strategy: Key to Our Future
- Apprenticeship Corner: The Case for a National Training, Marketing and Safety & Health Fund
- Safety & Health: OSHA Considers Changes to Construction Outreach Training Program
Summary Annual Report (SAR)
- SAR for National Roofing Industry Pension Fund
- SAR for National Roofing Industry Supplemental Pension Plan
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Cover Story: Manhattan’s One York Street
With an investment of $113 million by The Union Labor Life Insurance Company on behalf of Separate Account J “J for Jobs,” One York Street is a project set to dazzle—a glass condominium inserted into an existing industrial building in TriBeCa, a trend-setting neighborhood in lower Manhattan. The project has meant jobs for skilled roofers, members of two locals affiliated with the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers.
President’s Page: J for Jobs: Still Thriving in Today’s Economy
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: The 27th International Convention: Charting Our Future
- Apprenticeship Corner: Oklahoma City Reinstates Apprenticeship Program
- Safety & Health: International Union and UAD Sponsor Health Screening at Convention
Community Outreach
- Local 11 and Helmets to Hardhats Build Home for Gold Star Mom
- Donations Raised in Honor of Local 210 Burn Victim and Family
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

First Quarter 2007
Cover Story: Don’t Fall For It!
The Roofers International Union Launches a series of ‘Roofing Industry Fall Protection Conferences & Exhibits.’ Pictured are participants and exhibits in Chicago on February 16.
Designed for management personnel and lead journeymen, the conferences deliver expert presentations and hands-on exhibits of the latest fall protection equipment. OSHA funds the conferences with a Harwood Grant to the Roofers & Waterproofers Research and Education Joint Trust.
Falls are the number one cause of deaths in our industry. The conferences are part of an ongoing drive to eliminate deaths and injuries from falls in roofing.
President’s Page: Something You Can Count On
The National Pension Plan provides protection for you and your family
Feature Stories
- Cornell Landmark Re-Roofed With 100% Fall Protection
- NERCA 81st Annual Convention Returns To Boston
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: Recruiting And Retaining: A Key To Market Growth
- Apprenticeship Corner: Apprenticeship Competition To Be Hosted By Local 149
- Safety & Health: Fall Awareness and Protection Campaign Underway
Important Notice
District Council & Local Union Roster
- Directory of District Councils
- Local Union Directory
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Second Quarter 2007
Cover Story: The Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA)
The United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers joined forces with the TRCP and 19 other AFL-CIO affiliated trade unions to form the United Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) – a hunting and fishing club exclusively for union sportsmen and sportswomen and their families.
The USA gives union members the opportunity to unite and work together to preserve the traditions of hunting and fishing for themselves, their families and for future generations.
As a member, the USA will help you plan trips, learn tips and swap stories and receive discounts on outdoor gear and services. Look for the USA application in this journal.
President’s Page: The Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) Provides Exceptional Benefits Exclusively for Union Sportsmen
Feature Stories
- Fall Conferences Go To Twin Cities
- OSHA 500 Course Held in Las Vegas
Political Action
- Seize the Opportunity
Roofers In The News
- 2007 International Roofing Expo Continues Record Breaking Attendance
- International Staffer Diana Pappas Retires After 34 Years
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: Marketing Your Local Union
- Apprenticeship Corner: Apprenticeship Competition To be Hosted By Local 54
- Safety & Health: Tools of the Trade: Health and Safety Information Online
National Benefit Funds
- J For Fobs: Building Pension Security, Creating Union Jobs
- NRIPP Disability Provides Safety Net
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Third Quarter 2007
Cover Story: The AFL-CIO Building Investment Trust:
Turning Pension Dollars into Union Jobs
The AFL-CIO Building Investment Trust is a $2.7 billion pooled real estate fund serving pension plans with union beneficiaries and has helped finance over $3.5 billion in commercial investment across the U.S. So what does this mega-fund have to do with the average worker?
For some members of Local 30, the answer is: it provides jobs. Because when the Trust finances a project, all on-site construction, operation, and maintenance are done solely by union workers. The Executive Building in downtown Washington, DC, is one of these projects.
Our National Roofing Industry Pension Plan is one of the Trust’s largest investors. Inside, read about how our pension dollars really do turn into union jobs.
President’s Page: Our National Benefit Funds: Taking Care of You and Your Family and Creating Union Jobs
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: Market the Union Advantage
- Apprenticeship Corner: Apprenticeship Competition Held in Buffalo and Detroit
- Safety & Health: Update on Safety & Health Training Materials Available from the International
- Safety & Health Special Report: The Changing Face of Construction Fatalities
National Benefit Funds
Summary Annual Report (SAR)
- SAR for National Roofing Industry Pension Fund
- SAR for National Roofing Industry Supplemental Pension Plan
Political Action
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Fourth Quarter 2007
Cover Story: Local 4 Brings New Life to Newark
In November 2007, Prudential Center ushered in a new era of sports and entertainment in Newark and the entire northern New Jersey area. Our very own Local 4, Newark, NJ, Roofers were integral to the construction of this $375 million project.
President’s Page: Changes to National Plan Benefits
- Cincinnati Show Spotlights Union Pride
- Roofer Co-Chairs National Maintenance Agreement Policy Committee
- MRCA Convention Visits Nashville
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: Market the Union Advantage
- Apprenticeship Corner: Foreman Training Program, Detroit Apprentice Competition
- Safety & Health: Roof Holes Remain Death Traps for Roofers
National Benefit Funds
- Change in Fund Administrator
- National Plan Health Coverage Increase
- Important Changes to the Pension Plan
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Second Quarter 2006
Cover: Left to right: International President Kinsey M. Robinson and International Secretary-Treasurer Robert J. Danley
President’s Page: Opportunity Through Action
Roofers In The News
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: House Calls Are Essential In Organizing
- Apprenticeship Corner: Foreman Training Fund Grows
- Safety & Health: Personal Fall Arrest Systems: Lanyards
Community Outreach
- Roofers Local 210 Helps Gerard Family; Local 33 Member Lends Helping Hand; Local 91 Members Help Handicapped Salt Lake City Resident; Local 49 Portland Rebuilds Together
District Council & Local Union Roster: Last Updated 6/17/06
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Third Quarter 2006
Cover: Over a period of 27 months with more than 3,000 union tradesmen and women working for close to 300 contractors and subcontractors, the old Busch stadium was torn down and the new Busch stadium built in its place.
Photo: Arteaga Photos Ltd.
President’s Page: Responsibility Protects Our Freedom
Roofers In The News
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: Marketing Defined
- Apprenticeship Corner: Single-Ply Manual Available (Second Edition)
- Safety & Health: Safety and Health Training Materials Available for Download
Community Outreach
District Council & Local Union Roster: Last Updated 9/25/06
Directory of District Councils
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)

Fourth Quarter 2006
Cover: Getting ready to start their day at the Utah State Capitol are members from Local 91. The project consisted of re-roofing the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City, Utah. General Contractor was Jacobsen Construction. Utah Tile and Roofing, a signatory union contractor for over 50-years, handled the waterproofing and Hydro-Tech System. Foremen on the project for Utah Tile were Amador Arevalo and Ricardo Lopez.
President’s Page: Our Commitment to Excellence
Roofers In The News
Departmental News
- Marketing Issues: Marketing Defined
- Apprenticeship Corner: Preparing Apprentices for Today’s Roofing Industry
- Safety & Health: Personal Fall Arrest Systems: Anchorage
Community Outreach
- Local 65 Completes Three Homes For Habitat For Humanity in 2006 Roofers Local 134 Toledo Reroof Lighthouse Community Center
- Local 30 Roofers Answer Call of Retired Brother Local 96 Members Donate Time and Skills Extreme Makeover Food Bank Gets Help From Local 71
- Local 20 Members Proud To Help St. Luke’s Hospital Roofers Local 4 To The Rescue
- Bay Area Crisis Nursery Gets Needed Help
Local Union News
District Council & Local Union Roster: Last Updated 12/8/06
Directory of District Councils
(Note: The above articles have been slightly restructured for web use and differ in format only from the actual printed magazine.)